
What do the five rings in the Olympic logo represent?

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Do the colors represent anything? Are they in that order for a specific reason?




  1. Represents the 5 continents

  2. Same answer as above plus the 5 major regions they represent are:-

    Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Oceania

  3. The five rings represent the five continents in which participate in the games they are Asia, Europe, Americas (north,central,south), Africa, Oceania (Australia, Polynesian, and Micronesian Islands)

    Every nations flag in the world has atleast one of the five colors of the rings which are blue,black,red,yellow, and green.

  4. Frenchmen Pierre de Coubertin designed the logo in 1913 for the Paris Congress of the Olympic Movement. The logo was first found on a flag and had five interlocking rings–one for each continent represented in the Olympic Movement. Six colors were included as well, black, yellow, blue, red, green, and white, which were colors present in each nation represented by the organization. No ring is “assigned” to any particular continent.

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