
What do the following terms mean when playing poker?

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Specifically with Texas Hold Em:

1) To go "On Tilt"

2) "On the Button"

3) "On the Finger"

4) A "busted straight"

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  1. 1) On Tilt is when a poker player goes off his A game because something has affected him emotionally.  "John lost a big pot when he got his aces cracked, and went on tilt.  He donked off the rest of his money within an hour."

    2) When poker is played in a casino there is a 'button' that is passed around the table clockwise.  The button represents who's turn it is to deal, and in a home game that person would physically deal the cards.  In a casino a professional dealer is dealing the cards.  But they are dealt starting from the left of the player on the button, so that over time every player will have a fair and equal chance of being on the button.  In many variations of poker there is a big advantage to being on the button, since that player will act last in the betting rounds and will therefore have a chance to see what other players have done before him.

    3) On the finger is a term for borrowing money, without a formal contract as to when and how it will be repaid.  For example borrowing money from another player to keep playing after going bust.

    4) If a player is drawing to a straight (say they have four of the five straight cards needed), but fail to make their straight by the river, they have a busted straight.  This generally really sucks, because without having made their straight, there's a very good chance that they don't even have a pair.

  2. 1). "Tilt" usually refers to a poker player becoming flustered and deviating from his usually discipline after being the victim of a bad beat or suck-out or something to that effect.

    2). On the button means you are the "dealer" of that hand, meaning you are the last player to act in each round of betting after the initial round when the big blind has last action.

    3). Being "On the finger" means you have borrowed money from someone else to keep playing.

    4). A busted straight is an open ended or inside straight draw that does not hit.  IE, A-K in your hand, 10-J on the board, and no queen ever comes.  Busted straight.

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