
What do the following words have in commone? assess, banana, grammar , potato,revive,uneven, voodoo?

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What do the following words have in commone? assess, banana, grammar , potato,revive,uneven, voodoo?




  1. they all have 6 letters.

  2. the middle of the words is mirrored. they have the same letters forwards and backwards.

  3. hmm this is tough! i think maybe that they all have two of the same letters? Yeah thats it! wow! cool! ss and ss, n and n, m and m, o and o, v and v, e and e, oo and oo! WOW!

  4. They are all written somewhere on this page, along with gremlin, spaceship and tattoo

  5. They all have two sets of letters that are the same

    Assess two ss

    banana two n's and two a's

    grammar - two a's and two m's

    potato - two o's and two t's

    revive - two e's and two v's

    uneven - two n's and two e's

    voodoo - two sets of two o's


  6. if you take off the first letter of each word then each one becomes a palindrome, (same forwards and backwards)

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