
What do the french think about christians?

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I'm asking this because I am an exchange student in France and my host family asked me what kind of church I went to in America and when I said a christian one, my host dad could not hide his disgust, and it was obvious that the rest of the family felt the same. This made me very uncomfortable and I don't understand why they did this. Could some one explain?




  1. France is an overwhelmingly Catholic nation, with Catholics making up over 80% of the population.

    When you said that you went to a Christian church, your hosts may have inferred that you meant that you belonged to a Protestant denomination.  Catholics and Protestants have always had an uncomfortable relaltionship; each declaring the other to not be true Christians.  Sometimes that discomfort is expressed in subtle, perhaps unintended, way.  That may have been the problem.

  2. For most leftists being atheists is considered very cool.

  3. I have no idea.

    If I had to guess, the family might be a bit sore about some of the unlikeable parts of christianity. Like the inquisition.

    Maybe they're R&S athiests.  

  4. i learned about atheism and getting in touch with my feminine side in France.

    great people!!

  5. Catholicism is the most widespread religion in France, so you just happen to be with intolerant people, I suppose. There is no dominant view in France about such or such religion, and religion is usually kept a private matter. It is rarely an important matter what religion you are, except for some people. There has been separation of Church and State since 1905.  

  6. Most French belong to the Roman Catholic religion.

  7. The french are mostly Catholic, aside from that he was probably disgusted at American churches in general. All people see outside of America is the fringe groups. Trust me, I don't live in America and for eons thought that Jerry Springer was a normal slice of Americana. That is until I lived there for a while. Americans really do think the centralized view that holds true in America, that it is the centre of the universe, that this view will be the same anywhere they go. It is not, don't be shocked. They are classing you as the most extreme news stories that they have heard. Just get to know them. They most likely will learn they are wrong in their preconceptions.

  8. France has a long history of Christianity.  Both Protestantism and Catholicism.

    I suspect you are lying.

  9. most french ARE christians, actually. They´re mostly Catholics (about 77 % of the population). If you say to a catholic that he or she is not christian they won´t like you.

  10. Well, since most Christians say that Catholics are not Christian, and France has a lot of Catholics in it....well, you do the math.  

  11. I hope they are not Muslims. Europe is losing faith. Muslims are taking over, I hope they wake up before that happens. They are too easy trgets

  12. Well if you said "A Christian one" then you would of sounded a bit stupid, they may of wanted specifics.

  13. Who cares what the French think about anything?

  14. Easy rule of thumb; America uses (presently a 'majority rules' mindset; God uses a purity rules mindset' (not the same). Majority rules (1 witness) versus God wants '2 or more witnesses' (Matt. 18:16,2 Cor.13:1) ((Jews Deut. 10-19 mentions the rule about 3 times)).  

  15. Most french ARE christians. Specifically, most french are catholics. There are of course some muslims, atheists, agnostics, jews, hindus, buddhists and so on in France, so probably you just got unlucky. It may also be that french catholics would look down on you if you say you're a protestant despite the fact that both are sects of christianity, but if you've merely said you're a christian and kept it at that, most french people should agree with you.

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