
What do the glands of your p***s look like?

by  |  earlier

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i dont know what they look like and i hear people talking about them




  1. Mine looks like the typical circumcised p***s head. Pink, dry and with a slit in the front.

  2. I think you mean GLANS. The p***s glans is basically just the head (tip) of the p***s that is shaped like a mushroom. If you are uncircumcised, you see the glans when you pull back the f******n. The glans has most of the nerve endings on it so it's one of the most sensitive parts of the p***s.

  3. before restoring my f******n it was cracked, and dried out looking, after restoration it's moist and shiny and healthy looking

  4. Like the ones you see in p**n movies.


  5. it is dry and pinkish... cut here

  6. The glans (aka head, helmet) is sort of mushroom shaped, it's thicker at the bottom, where it flares out, and it rounds off around the pee hole. In uncut guys, the frenulum gives the glans a sort of split look on the underside of the p***s. As for texture of the glans, it differs depending on whether or not you're circumcised. I'm uncut and mine is smooth and shiny, and soft to the touch; In circumcised men though, the glans is rougher and more dried out. When not erect, the glans is usually a pinkish color; but when erect, the glans can range anywhere from deep red to a near dark purple, and all these colors are totally normal for guys. Overall, they're pretty much the same with a few differences here and there, so now you know what the glans is.

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