
What do the guys sitting by La Seine say to the girls passing by?

by  |  earlier

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Ils parlent trop vite pour moi :(

Merci en avance!




  1. to the 1st girl : " hey !  tema  la ficelle , putin elle a un cul de ouf la meuf "

    "hey mademoiselle tu me la prete ta ficelle , j'ai plus de fil dentaire , allez s'il te plait !"

    - "hey look at this string, Oh f-u-c-k, that girl got a killer body, "

    "Hey shorty would you lend me your string , I don't have  floss anymore c'mon , please !

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    to the 2nd girl : "oooh ! vise la thailandaise qui arrive là , hey mademoiselle si je t'offre un thé vert tu payes ton massage ? j'ai un bungalow a 2 pas d'ici ... ouhouu "

    "Look at this thaï girl who is coming, Hey girl if i buy you a tea, would you pay your massage ? I got a bungalow not far ... ouuh"

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    the 2 black girls : " Bonjour mesdemoiselles ! Oh vous êtes charmantes à croquer aujourd'h*i"

    "Goodmorning ladies ! You're very cute today "

    sorry if made mistakes in english

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