
What do the hand signals beach volleyball players mean?

by  |  earlier

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i know that it's to tell the partner what defense they're going to play, but what does it mean when they hold one finger or three? like, they're gonna play line or angle?




  1. I always thought it was whether they were going to block or not on the play. Maybe I was wrong.

  2. each team has it's own set of signals so what may be line for one team is angle for another.....hard to tell you.

  3. Normally they hold up 1 or 2 fingers. 1 means that they will block line and 2 means that they will block angle. They show one for each player. That way the defensive player knows where to be.

  4. When I'm at the net, my system is simple:

    The information sent from my left hand corresponds to the player on the left from my perspective.  The information sent from my right hand corresponds to the player on the right from my perspective.

    Fist:  I will not be blocking that player.

    1 finger:  I'm blocking line, you cover the cross for the hard hit, and run line for anything that goes over the top of the block

    2 fingers:  I'm blocking cross, you cover the line and run cross for anything that goes over the top of the block.

    I also wiggle the hand where I would prefer my partner to serve.

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