
What do the houses in the natal chart mean?

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2nd houses-Scorpio











what does this do to my personality an what does it mean and what sign am i more of i mean my sun is aries my moon is sagittarius an my ascendant is libra im born at 6:13 pm in jackson,tennessee




  1. You are a curious person, keen to learn. I think it would be better for you to go to an astro. site that does free charts and interpretations. Check and there are others. Then you can follow up by checking what's in your local library. your natal chart is all about you so it's worth putting some effort in to trying to understand You!

  2. The Individual Houses

    First House

    The sign on the cusp of this house is called the rising sign. The cusp of this house is called the Ascendant. The presentation of the self: the physical body type and appearance; childhood. The first house manifests the power of any planets and indicates the personality as well as the appearance. It can enable us to shield any weaknesses in our sun sign. The sun sign is what we are meant to be, and while we are developing this ability, we can shield ourselves with the sign on the first house cusp and any planets in this house.

    Second House

    The second house is concerned with resources which we have developed as a result of our presenting ourselves in the world. It is concerned with possessions, including money. It shows how we value things through whatever sign is on the cusp. And it also indicates our talents, the five senses and our self-worth. It indicates our attitude to what we own, how we get these things, how we treat or manage them.

    Third House

    The third House is the House of Thought. There is a big emphasis on communication, including language skills and literary work. It can indicate cleverness, meaning dextrous and also cagey and shrewd. It refers to education, particularly school education. It concerns writing, recording and lecturing. It is concerned with the learning we do, such as learning the ABC, how to read and how to write.

    Fourth House

    The fourth house is concerned with matters such as: the home, roots, family history and origins, life, self development, memories, the past, upbringing, end of life, inner life and foundations.  Behaviour at home. The parent with the lesser influence on the person's life (Father).

    Fifth House

    This is the house of creativity and pleasure. It is associated with the heart, or source of emotions, love and passion. It tells what things are dear to you. It is the house of children, creative self expression, and romance. It can refer to ideas, ideals, inventions (depending on the planets and the signs), or anything, really, which you love.

    Sixth House

    This house can be thought of as being concerned with (daily) routines and necessities, such as work, health, diet, clothes and jobs. These are the details of life, and this house tells how you deal with the details and practicalities of living. It is concerned with people who work for you. And with how you provide a service (work) for others. It is also concerned with tools, expenses, overheads, landlords, and pets. It also indicates your attitude to cleanliness and order. This house refers to things that you willingly do, but only because you have to do them in order to attain comfort, or some other goal.

    Seventh House

    The first house deals with the self, and the seventh house deals with the opposite, that is, those who you meet on a one-to-one basis, and includes marriage and business partners. It also includes open enemies. When we meet others we have to give and take and agree ground rules, and in the process we get into conflict, hopefully friendly conflict, until we find a solution.

    Eighth House

    Community resources, s*x, ultimate issues and financial institutions are part of this house. It concerns birth, death and rebirth, reincarnation, healing, the occult, other people's resources (money) including credit cards, taxes, partner's resources, wills, inheritance, insurance, taxes, unearned money, recycling, garbage, pollution, losses, renunciation, letting go. It is said to indicate the manner of death. It is concerned with power, power over others and self control.

    Ninth House

    While the third house is the house of mind, this house is the house of the higher mind. It is more dependent on other things and people, or it is more open to them, than the third house, but it is an active house and is ultimately independent. Here you can entertain and examine beliefs, without necessarily believing them. Higher education, foreign travel, ethics and legal principles are part of this house, as are philosophy and religion. While these may refer to university education, they do not have to.

    Tenth House

    The tenth house shows what you are aiming for, it shows your career, reputation and what you become known for. Personal image, authority, honour, prestige, career, ambition, organisations, rulers and employers are involved in this house. If the fourth house refers to the base, roots, where you come from, then the tenth shows where you are going. It also involves: goals and aspirations, social standing, person with power over you, and the government. It indicates the parent of greatest influence.

    Eleventh House

    This is a house of friends, hopes and wishes. It is concerned with the future. In the third house, you have friends who are brothers or sisters, or neighbours. In the seventh house, you have close friends and partners. In this house the friends are ones who relate to your public image.

    Twelfth House

    This house shows how we think about our lives and how we think about the hereafter, or about spiritual things (cadent house). It can refer to karma and spiritual matters. This is a house of non-self, which means it is concerned with large, impersonal, institutions, such as hospitals, prisons, large bureaucracies, the civil service, etc.

    If you were to think of your Sun sign as your soul -- your inner personality and potential -- and your Moon sign as your heart -- your emotional core -- then you could say that your Rising / Ascendant sign is your physical self or the face mask you present to the world.

    Sun (to integrate) in Aries (energetic and urgent).

    You bring great energy and enthusiasm, and have a sense of urgency about organising your life. You are a powerful starter of things, but might not be so good at seeing them through to their conclusion (cardinal). You are however enterprising and never short of ideas (cardinal). You tend to be self centred (I am) and to forcefully (fire) seek your goals, without taking into account how others might react. You are persistent, but you may give up if you do not attain your goals quickly.

    Moon (to react to) in Sagittarius (Free and Tolerant)

    To feel good about yourself, you may need to travel in search of freedom and to show tolerance. You are versatile and adaptable with emotional expression (mutable) and you follow your own feelings (active). You may lose your temper (fire) and express unexpected, by others, emotions. This may not be consistent with your public orientation.

    Rising Sign is Libra (Diplomatic and Harmonious)

    It's hard for anyone to say 'no' to you. You seem so charming and persuasive, people can't help but accommodate you! You likely look smashing even if you're just running to the market for milk. You may seem outwardly indecisive, but you're so irresistible that you'll find those around you more than happy to make up your mind for you. Keep vanity and sulkiness -- two less attractive Libran qualities -- in check. Luckily, Libras avoid conflict at all costs -- expect tons of harmony, fun and lots of carefree communication!

    Love & Blessings


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