
What do the initials of CSX stand for?

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What do the initials of CSX stand for?




  1. CSX stands primarily for the predecessor roads, the Chessie System, and the Seaboard System.  The X was put in place as the multiplying factor, I guess to give them some confidence in the positives this merger would bring.

  2. You've seen their trucks on the roads I take it. They are a large shipping company.

    The name came about during merger talks between Chessie System, Inc. and Seaboard System Railroad, Inc., commonly called Chessie and Seaboard. The company chairmen said it was important for the new name to include neither of those names due to it being a partnership. Employees were asked for suggestions, most of which consisted of combinations of the initials. At the same time a temporary shorthand name was needed for discussions with the Interstate Commerce Commission. CSC was chosen but belonged to a trucking company in Virginia. CSM (for Chessie-Seaboard Merger) was also taken. The lawyers decided to use CSX, and the name stuck. In the public announcement, it was said that "CSX is singularly appropriate. C can stand for Chessie, S for Seaboard, and X, the multiplication symbol, means that together we are so much more, and T for Transportation." The T had to be added to use CSXT as a reporting mark, since company initials that end in X could only be used by non-railroad railcar owners.

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  3. CSX Chessie Seaboard Multiplier (railroad transportation company)

  4. When I worked on the UP in Chicago, the railroaders at Yard Center said it stood for Chicken S*** eXpress.  Quite a few were old enough to keep saying they were taking a transfer to the B&O instead of CSX.

  5. CSX Chessie Seaboard Multiplier (railroad transportation company)    

    CSX Cayman Islands Stock Exchange    

    CSX Cardiac-Specific Homeobox    

    CSX Seaboard Coastline Railroad  

    CSX Citadel Securix

    CSX Cardiac syndrome

    CSX Cardiac" syndrome

    CSX Chessie Seaboard

    CSX Cherian Saint Xaviers

  6. coconut s**y xanadu!!! lol

  7. They really don't stand for anything.  The CS part is a remnant from the old Chessie System, which came at the end of a long and exhaustive series of mergers going all the way back to the old B&O.

  8. Chessie System eXpanded!   :)

    Seriously, it's when Chessie System and Seaboard System railraods merged.  Chessie Seaboard (something here?), or "CSX", was the temporary name they were using while they searched for a decent name.  Unfortunately they took so long finding a name, that CSX just kinda stuck.

    Now on the labeling of freight cars, CSX was a problem.   You see, symbols with the last letter of "X" signify non-railroad entities, car-leasing companies like General American Tank Car (GATX) or Trailer-Train (TTX).   So all their freight cars say "CSXT", for CSX Transportation.

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