
What do the latin words "Pontifex Maximus" mean in English?

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Those are carved on every monument I have had a chance to visit in Rome this summer.

I understand it refers to the different Popes of the time who ordered the building of the monuments but I'd like to know the exact meaning.




  1. Well, it literally means "greatest bridgebuilder", but it's generally translated as high priest or head priest.  The Pontifex Maximum was considered the chief priest in ancient Rome.

  2. pons=bridge

    facere=to make or build

    maximus=the big one

    i.e. the big bridge builder

  3. Pontifex Maximus was the high priest of the Ancient Roman College of Pontiffs.

    According to the usual interpretation, the term pontifex literally means "bridge-builder" (pons + facere); "maximus" literally means "greatest". This was perhaps originally meant in a literal sense: the position of bridge-builder was indeed an important one in Rome, where the major bridges were over the Tiber, the sacred river (and a deity): only prestigious authorities with sacral functions could be allowed to "disturb" it with mechanical additions.

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