
What do the letters C S and B stand for above coffee lid dimples? Cream, Sugar and something else?

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what do the letters C S and B stand for above coffee lid dimples? Cream, Sugar and something else?




  1. Black!

  2. black.

  3. what dey said

  4. B is redundant.  

    Why have they placed it there?  

    IF the notations are used, THEN no additions of C or S would not mean the cup is empty.  It shouldn't mean there's water in the cup.  I hope it doesn't mean "surprise coffee."  It should be the obvious....  Black.

    If you want coffee without cream or sugar in it, does it really need to be written in notation that it is BLACK coffee?  

    4 cups of coffee sitting in a tan coffee to go tray with the different following markings.





    Uhm, what's so hard to figure out about the UNMARKED cup of coffee?  Does anyone need help figuring this out?  

    Some possible ideas from the cup/lid manufacturer design team:

    1. "So that they don't think it's a double half caf non fat mochaccino with extra whip with chocolate sprinkles"

    2. "They need more work, lets give them another option"

    3. "Our company needs to set the bar, lets put another selection on the product, Watson what do you suggest?"

    4.  "Sir, I believe that the new decade is upon us and our old  21st century customer doesn't have time to think for themselves, we should make black coffee special, not just black.  Let's put a B for black coffee so that we can justify our products as the most expensive in the industry and the coffee shop can justify an extra 50 cents for just black coffee"

    5.  "I motion to nominate Watson's idea"

    6.  "Second"

    7.  "All in favor say aye"

    aye AYE aye AYE aye AYE AyE aYE aYe AYe.......

    8. Motion approved, lets notify the design team!

    9.  Now we can justify the 40% increase of our cups & lids and pass it on to the consumer, while we go destroy more of nature and have another golf course built in our honor and play a round for our victory for the letter B on every coffee cup in America.

    ATTENTION:  This is all part of the st*rbucks conspiracy.  If anyone noticed that the letters C, S, and B are all in the name?  The manufacturers sold out the end customer and are working to add a few more letters like T, A, R, U, and K!

    btw:  If you prefer to support smaller people and enjoy Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, check out the link!

  5. black

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