
What do the maple leaf license plates mean?

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On some cars I see license plate with the format 30ML78 (or something similar). With the logo for the Toronto Maple Leafs next to it. I assume the ML stands for Maple Leafs, but what do the numbers mean?




  1. roughly translate to "i cry myself to sleep every night"

  2. It means the same as the numbers on any license plate. The only difference is they paid for the 'ML' and Leafs symbol.

  3. It means that they paid extra to show that they're a fan of a team that hasn't won in 40 years.

    288 Nice.  I love Star Trek. But I must say, I saw "get lost" the other day though, that's better.

  4. 3 - as I bought 1 Blue, and a 2nd, and the bartender felt sorry for me so he gave me the 3rd one FREE!

    0 - looks like a golf ball from here

    M - My

    L -  Lord

    78 -  The last time the Canadiens and Leafs played in a semifinal against eachother. Without telling you who won, I'd like to remind Toronto fans they've not played in a SC final since 1967 (where admittingly, in no small part because of Sawchuk, they beat my Canadien)

  5. You can get those for any team (Raptors, Jays etc). It just shows that your a fan of the team.

  6. "Idiot On Board"

  7. It depends. Those are custom plates. I have seen all sorts of different things on them, not just numbers.

  8. Basically what Jeff said. Don't know why my fellow Leafs fans would do something so stupid....

    Personally, I'd go with a vanity plate that goes "WARP 9 (Ontario crown as a decimal point) 8" or something like that.

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