
What do the other players think of Tiger Woods personally?

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I know the media and the other players on the tour love the golf that Tiger plays on the PGA but I wonder what they think of him as a human being. What is he like in the clubhouse? What is he like in the locker room when he is chatting with the other players. Is he stuck up or one of the guys?

Anyone have an inside perspective of the interpersonal relationships in the PGA Tour?




  1. I don't have an inside perspective but I've heard so many players have a friendship with Tiger--his opponent today, Rocco Mediate and Mark O'Meara are two instances.

  2. I don't think you get the title "the greatest" If you are not an awsome human being. Playing golf is nothing more than  second nature to Tiger. / Tiger Woods- Greatest Golfer on Earth

  3. i have read and seen lots of things on tiger and they say he is actually a big jokester and likes to have fun but when he steps in those ropes the switch turnes on and it;s all business.

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