
What do the people of Peru eat for breakfast?What about lunch? What about dinner?

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  1. Breakfast in Peru:

    Normaly, Bun Bread, Scramble eggs, ham, cheese, butter, marmalade, coffee with milk or tea. On Sundays is very traditional to have Tamale, Chicharron ( it's a sandwich on bun bread with deepfried pork, deepfried sweet potatoes slices & strings of thinly sliced red onions with chilli peper and dressing) and of course filtered black  coffee.


    For an Entry, many peruvians don't have salads, instead they would have Soup or Potato with a creamy sauce (they like to mix potato & rice a lot), for main course there's always a lot of rice unless you have green spaguetti with a bistec on top (or red spaguetti with a BBQ chicken on top).  They also love chilli pepper. Another popular food is BBQ Chicken with french fries and the CEVICHE! Our Ceviche is unique because the fish is cooked only by the lemon which is outstandingly acid.  To describe what food we have would take long because most of it is not served outside of Peru (Aji de Gallina, Lomo Saltado, Causa, Carapulcra, Rocoto relleno, etc. Even the spaguetti with bistec is a No-No in Italy).

    Dinner would be more simple than lunch maybe a Hen soup (An adult poultry soup including a hen piece, one boiled egg and spaguetti) or instead beef or chicken with rice or french fries.

  2. Peru is a very diverse country so it all depends on what part of Peru like the coast, the highlands or the Amazon......

  3. hi.

    normally  we peruvians eat for breakfast:  bread with something inside, cheese, butter, mermelada,  olives , eggs, etc, and  cup of milk, or tea, or cofee...... 2 breads normally.

    and for lunch, normally 2 platos :  soup  and maincourse,   soup  of  vegetables, spaguettys , some king  of meat etc etc,, just  soup :)........ and in the main course,  most of the times  is with rice :),, rice with beans, or some potatos or  vegetables, meat........ and  allways with Inca Kola :)  hehe :)

    dinner ?,,  normaly the  same of the lunch ((but  little)).......

    good luck :)

  4. Your question is pretty general. Do you mean what do campesinos eat? Like a tradional bandeja? Might be a Tamal. Might be Eggs perico. Lunch might be a soup and dinner might be beans and rice with some beef. What you eat depends on how much money you have. Who knows, some might eat Fruit Loops with Yogurt.

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