
What do the police have to say about subwoofers in cars?

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What do the police have to say about subwoofers in cars?




  1. I wish they would, and hope they will, write the tickets for those deaf morons.

  2. On a personal basis, I HATE THEM. The morons that drive around thinking that I want to listen to that garbage are insane. As long as they are kept at a level that I can't hear, roll up your stupid windows, I don't care if you want to listen to two cats screeching.

  3. If it can be 'heard' outside the vehicle, it gets you a ticket for 'disorderly conduct-unreasonable noise'.

    Fine in my area is $500 for the first conviction, up to $1500 for the second.

    And I write every one that I hear.

  4. Probably the same thing they'd say about somebody who farts in an elevator full of people because he thinks it smells good.

  5. Probable Cause.... lol

  6. As long as they're not a public nuisance they don't care, but if the windows are rattling a half a mile away, you better expect a ticket.

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