
What do the religious texts say about having s*x while pregnant?

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I've been told that the bible says that a husband and wife should not have s*x if the wife is pregnant. Does anyone know what any of the religious texts (Qur'an, Bible, etc) say about this, and why? Please include citings, if possible, thanks.

(Note: I am studying to be a midwife, so I know about all the physiological reasons for or against s*x while pregnant. I'm looking strictly for information on the religious views. Thanks!)




  1. I am unaware of any religious scripture that says such a thing.

  2. Maybe it's in the Christian Bible, but as far as Judaism is concerned, it's fine.  s*x is not allowed during menstruation and the week following, but that is a separate issue than pregnancy.

    For what it's worth the Talmud says that the first three months are considered potentially harmful for both mother and child, the next three are good for the baby but less good for the mother, and the last three are good for both.  Hmmmm... :)

    As a side note, among Orthodox Jews, if there is bleeding during pregnancy (normal spotting or something more dangerous), then s*x may be temporarily prohibited.  The laws concerning this are complex, so the couple would have to seek the advice of a rabbi to get a full answer.  Also, after the baby is born, then Orthodox Jewish couples are not allowed to have s*x for a period of weeks, until all the bleeding stops fully - again, they would need to check with a rabbi about the exact timing in their own particular case,

  3. I'm not aware it says that anywhere, it's probably a cultural thing which has been confused with a religious precept.

  4. If some one has a religious view about this you won't have to inform them about it.

    More Peace

  5. As far as I know, nothing.  But I am curious why it should matter what is written in a religious text...I wonder the same thing about fundamentalist Christians who look for a scriptural basis for every little thing in this world.

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