
What do the remarks in this METAR mean?

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METAR KMKE 062052Z 25012KT 10SM SCT065 BKN190 BKN230 26/16 A2998 RMK AO2 SLP148 8/506 T02610161 58017

I understand AO2, SLP148, and T02610161, but not "8/506" or "58017"




  1. I am busting out some old terminology here, but I believe the 8 group is the cloud classification group.

    "8/" indicates the cloud classification will follow in the order of low, mid, and high.

    So, low cloud 5 (stratocumulus not from the spreading out of cumulus), no mid cloud, and high cloud 6 (cirrostratus progressively invading the sky, extending more than 45 degrees above the horizon).

    I almost forgot to mention the 5 group. The 5 group is indeed 3 hour pressure tendency. The "8" signifies a pressure that was steady or increasing, then decreasing; or decreasing then decreasing more rapidly. This number can range from 0-8 and they all mean different pressure patterns. The "017" means the overall drop in the last three hours was .17 hectoPascals.

  2. The 58017 should be the pressure tendancy -> 5appp; the character (a) and amount of change in pressure (ppp) in tenths of hPa for the past 3 hours

    and the only thing that I can think of is that the 8/506 is supposed to be temp/dew point temp. but maybe a sensor was off.

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