
What do the republicans and the democratic parties have to offer?

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What do the republicans and the democratic parties have to offer?




  1. Dems:  Kill babies and raise taxes.

    Reps:  Kill taxes and raise babies.

  2. Democrats:


  3. Governance.

  4. They both offer the same thing they each put a different spin on it is all. I am voting for Bob Barr he is a Libertarian, someone who believes in upholding the Constitution..

  5. Nothing but more of the same. Break the mold, vote for people, not parties.

  6. Republicans believe individual rights and freedom with obenience to the Groucho Marx agenda. Democrat believe in group allegiance and lock step obedience to the Karl Marx agenda!

  7. Nothing but bureaucracy and special interests that s***w the American people  

  8. republiCONS have economic meltdown,warfare, and american citizen/workers are screwed to offer.  How do I know? well, I am not predicting or speaking out of turn...all we have to do is look at the presidency of Bush.

    Democrats are the last hope of the american ciitzen worker.

    However, to be honnest the democrats are not without blame, because the republicans have done some of their damage with the consent or silence of democrats who obviously did not fight them tooth and nail.

    Both parties have harmed the american people, its just that the republicans are by far the ones who have done the most damage and want policies that do the most least the democrats still try to occasionally throw us a bone to make it look like its still a democracy and will of the people trumps.

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