
What do the romans wear?

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what do people from Rome (now) wear, like their clothing style




  1. They dress just like we do in the United States.  Some European Countries are more stylist, I did not find that to be the case in Rome.

  2. hi. im from Rome but i've been living in australia for a few years now. everytime i go back to visit family 7 friends, i get pretty stunned by the way romans dress. Let me explain.

    they dont shop at nameless shops and they never buy silly nameless brands. they tend to be very much into what they wear and theres a lot of competion at times too. everything they wear must have a brand or its not cool to go out in.

    they take great care in what they wear even if just going out to get some bread. unfortunately people tend to talk behind peoples back so everyone seems to care about what people say. Clothing is a major thing back in Rome as well as looking good with great haircuts and fancy clothing. they've always been into fashion and whats new in fashion.

  3. why? do you think that rome is still in the 160b.C.????

    we are NORMAL people.... we wear trousers and shirts, skirts, jumpers.......................... but stylish!

  4. In answer to the answers, we Americans ask this question so that we can be in style with the Italians.

  5. Armani, cavalli, Valentino, moschino, so on

  6. we are normal people we wear normal shirts trousers and shoes, oh my God do u think that we live in the roman republic? we wear so better than the us people...

  7. roman wear the iron cover so they dont have to be wounded while fighting.

  8. i'm italian. we usually wear by brands, but now is fashion hip-hop style, and casual (always something with brands). but i think that we wear normal dress. during the evening in night clubs, you'll find everybody very careful in their style. why this question?

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