
What do the signs that say "Speed limit enforced by Aircraft" mean?

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Does that mean that if you go over the speed limit they will drop a bomb on you or something???




  1. no it means they will see you with a police aircraft and you will be ticketed for sure, cant really outrun them.

  2. Aircraft radios to the patrol car that you are speeding and the cop gives you a speeding ticket ( which I think can be fought and won in court)

  3. Many law enforcement groups use aircraft of varying types for  different reasons. In Oregon, the Oregon State Police use small aircraft to patrol major hiways for not only speeders, but aggressive driving and other infractions as well. Have you ever noticed what appeared to be a large V or a simple white "hash" mark on the side of the road? Overhead patrols can use a pair of these marks in conjunction with a stopwatch or other timing device to tell how fast a vehicle is moving. If the marks are placed one quarter mile apart, and it takes the vehicle 15 seconds to move from one to other, they know you are going 60 mph, if you are timed exceeding the speed limit, the airplane can radio a ground unit with the description of the car, speed, and lic. information. There may be some photographic thing involved as well, I am not sure, but it seems likely.

  4. That means that an airplane is watching you go flying down the hi-way. They call the trooper and he watches for you and bingo, he gives you aticket for speeding. Thet use them in Maine all the time.

  5. The highway has marks on it, usually white strips.  These marks are set to specific distances.  If the plane believes you are speeding they will mark your time between these marks.  Time/distance= speed (Miles per Hour).  This calculation will stand up in court and is pretty accurate.  BTW: they do not need to dispatch an officer to pull you over, they can take a photo of your tags and mail you the ticket.

  6. It means that the aircraft will clock your speed and radio that information down to the police and then they will ticket you....

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