
What do the smartest/most intelligent people do for a living?

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What do the smartest/most intelligent people do for a living?




  1. Work


  3. Marilyn vos Savant, who has the highest recorded IQ, writes a Q&A column for Parade magazine.  Stephen Hawking is a professor.  Some become artists, some scientists.  There are a lot of different kinds of "smart", and the very intelligent have just as many different interests as the rest of us.  There are probably plenty who worked a farm or did janitorial work for whatever reason.

  4. Don't know for sure, but they don't sit at the computer and answer questions.

  5. If you mean book smart, then I'm not sure.  But with respect to those who are truly intelligent, wanting to get paid the most for their expenditures of time and expertise....they are either in sales, or own their own consulting business.  That way, there is no limit on how much they can earn, and they live their lives on their own terms.  JMO.

  6. Preach God's Word for very little money.Not talking about televangelists.

  7. well I am a pimp

  8. truck drivers

  9. Obviously they don't run for president...

    Engineers  or Doctors with Specializations and some Lawyers(Ann Coulter for example).

  10. Somthing they make a an incredible amount of money at doing what they love to do...

  11. Retire young and live life!!!  That's what I did!

  12. Invent winblows xp or google.

  13. Some invent, some develop video games, some star in movies, some direct movies, some sit at home all day, some own a business, some are lawyers, some cook, some are doctors, some are professors. It doesn't matter if you are smart or intelligent, that doesn't create a certain group of jobs that you are limited to. There are people out there who choose to help the world for free and work without pay, and they are really intelligent. You can be whatever you want in life and just because you are smart, does not mean you have to own a successful business.

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