
What do the spanish words 'certesa' and 'olle' mean in English?

by  |  earlier

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Thanks for the answers and apologies for the spelling mistakes - they were in an e-mail to me and the translator didn't come up with anything for them so that makes sense!




  1. CerteZa means certainty ( certesa doesn't exist) if u meant cerveza it means beer

    Olle doesn't exist either. Olé! is something like Go or bravo.. etc.

    Oye means listen

    Olla  is a saucepan or a pot.

  2. frank is right

  3. Certeza is something certain; tengo la certeza de que hoy es domingo: I am 100% sure today its sunday. Certainty.

    Oye it's like "hey"

  4. check the may be certeza(which is certainty) not certesa and olle it is not spanish maybe you just heard and pronounce it like this

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