
What do the statistics show about asian diversity?

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What do the statistics show about asian diversity?




  1. stats show that asian is too diverse tt u cannot call it asia as u could in europe where practically almost every one is white [except for the last century migration].  

    asia's 2 giants is as diverse as black is contrasted with white.  even within india, u can see the divesity between north and south - more languages and hundreds of dialects as compared to china with only one main language and thousands of dialects.

    then u get southeast asia with another potpourri of colors, sounds, etc.  

    in asia we get white, yellow, brown, dark brown, black  and all kinds of mixture that confuses everyone.  

    hv u seen filipinos with spanish, chinese, malayan features?  PNG with black african features?  tall northern chinese with short southerners? aryan indians with southern tamils?  vietnamese with brown features?

    indeed too diverse!

  2. That Asia is not very diverse.

    Love Jack

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