
What do the team doctor do when doing a physical? is it mandatory for all players or only the newly acquired?

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how frequent?




  1. What up LeSabre,

    It's usually only once a year.  i'm not sure if the it's the same protocol for both the gentlemen and the ladies.  For the gentlemen it's just a basic checkup with the most uncomfortable part being when they make you cough- to see if you have a sports hernia, and in some cases they'll make you stretch, etc. to make sure you're knees, legs, etc. are healthy enough to play.  Not sure what differs in the exam for the ladies- but it's basically just once a year.  i think now and days there may be a urine sample (drug test as well).


  2. they're just once each time you play athletics... it's mandatory for all palyers yearly

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