
What do the top contributors here think of the atheists and theists on R&S?

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What do real scientists (not armchair scientists) think of the people in R&S?

Are the atheists as knowledgeable as they claim they are? Are the theists not as knowledgeable as others claim? Do you think that the atheists know science as much as they think they know. Do you think that theists know science?




  1. It has been my experience that both camps can produce representatives that truly know their stuff.

    There is so much to the universe, that we cannot know it yet in its totality.  That being said, I have little patience for those who had chosen one position or another, and spend the rest of their days trying to buttress that position, despite evidence to the contrary.

    Personally, I am very theistic, although I cannot accept whole-cloth some of the fanciful "religious" stories that allow those of feeble mind to tie up the universe in a neat, concise package.

    I believe there is a God out there, and he has dropped "bread crumbs" throughout creation, so that we may discover the truth of what he made.  No, the world is not 5000 years old and Eve really wasn't sculped from a guy's rib.

    But it is apparent that there is a much more intelligent force out there than we are, and I am happy to have the chance to further discover Him.

  2. I've noticed that many Atheists have got their heads on straight when it comes to logic and science.

    Theists on the other hand seem rather too determined to prove a fairy tale with nothing more than fallacious logic.

    Theists seem to know just about enough science to abuse it and take it out of context.  Which may fine for Religion, but is a pain in the **** for science.

  3. i don't really care about what religion or if u are religious. this is soo why i'm not religious. i would think both parties have knowledge just different beiefs and ideas about the world.

  4. I am not a top contributor but am a scientist. My view of R&S is that it is a bucnch of dogmatists on both sides heatedly arguing mostly to hear their heads rattle. But I do have a complaint about dogmatic science's treatment of the ideas of creationism. Do they realize how mind boggingly ridiculous it seems to a thinking person to consider that the entire universe and Life within it happened by chance?

    When I was in grade school back in the 1940's they convinced me of the truth of science by describing how in the middle ages the consensus was that mice, rats, flies and other vermin were created by being spontaneously generated out of garbage, trash and other waste and they described how the scientific method was used to prove it wasn't.

    Then  when I was taught science in subsequent years they amazingly proposed that not only life but the entire universe was spontaneously genrated without any intervening intelligence, by chance, out of mostly nothing. I have had a tounge in cheek attitude toward evolution and science ever since although I worked as a scientist. Do they realize how hard this is to accept for a person not trained in science? It seems mind boggingly ridiculous.

    Good luck with the R & S people, good mental health, peace and Love!

  5. it would seem to me that theists are perfectly happy in their beliefs without prerequisite proof while the calls for proof seem to overwhelmingly come not from the theist camp.

  6. I assume R&S means Religion and Science.

    This is more a question about emotion than reality.  Some people let their beliefs override their common scense.

    To them anything that contradicts their belief is somehow untrue.

    Whether Theists are knowledgeable depends on what the discussion is about.  If you are discussing the concept of God, a theist might be much more knowledgeable than you.  If you are discussing Evolution and the Theists denies the possibility and gets angry with you because you believe in evolution, it would seem that the Theists are less knowledgeable than you.

    My understanding of atheism is that it is a belief that God does not exist.  This is a silly belief.  How can you prove that God DOES NOT exist?

    It seems to me that there are only two reasonable answers to the question of God's existence, either he DOES exist or he MIGHT exist.

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