
What do these IQ scores mean?

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My full scale IQ was 90

my Verbal Comprehension (VCI) was 108

Perceptual Reasoning (PRI) was 100

Working Memory (WMI) was : 97

Processing Speed (PSI) was: 56

What does this mean?




  1. If you were a child, you could (not necessarily "would") technically have a learning disability based on your processing speed and therefore be eligible to receive special education - if you needed it. But you probably wouldn't need it...

    As an adult, you are perfectly normal but take longer than the standard person to process things, which is not that unusual. Your IQ is within the norms and your verbal comprehension is superior. Go forward and conquer, you're a lot better off than everyone in Texas  :)

  2. You're in the average range ... so don't worry about it .

  3. thats a fine IQ ....

    I have an IQ of 128 and am expected to get into oxford/cambridge...

    You are within 50% of the country as 50% of the country have an IQ between 90 and 110...

    Quite frankly it seems like if your processing speed had been higher than your IQ would be a lot better... but dont worry about it

  4. It means you're smart enough!!  :o)  Go be happy, do good things, and don't worry about scores! Numbers don't make the world go around... love does!

  5. IQ scores are misleading. My little brother is autistic so he is not really testable. IQ scores are not supposed to change and you are pretty much to be able to find out a childs IQ early but someone like my brother would have tested as severely retarded early in his life and might test as retarded now. He is autistic he can't be tested. One of the questions they used to ask was "what color is milk". They had many kids on an Indian reservation that answered blue and were marked down for it. They used a certain kind of milk that had a blue tint to it. They were right and the exam was wrong. They don't take conditions like autism into account and they don't take cultural differences into account.

    Whether you test low or high, it makes no difference. You are still you and anyone, even the person with the highest IQ in the world, is still learning and always evolving.

    Just forget about any IQ score and keep listening, learning and growing.

  6. that you're not the brightest bulb in the box

  7. Don't listen to him!  A 90 is average...A 90 can be very productive.  I tested with a "low" score and I'm the resident genius in the office, home and in our entire family, I'm a regular walking font of information.  (well except for the MBA and the Lawyer).  I am constantly learning, and excelling, I handle all the accounting and legal matters at my International Corporation.  And boy I do feel so dumb sometimes, it's normal to find somethings hard to do, It's hard to learn new things.  But with every new challenge met and learned you've made your brain grow just a bit more.  Do not let these scores discourage you!  It takes all kinds of people in this world.  We may not be the smartest people in the world, but we can excel in other ways.  By perhaps being the nicest person, the most helpful,  the most giving of oneself...Life is more than just numbers.

  8. Statistically speaking, 90 is the "perfect" median score.  The range of average is between 85 and 115 .  Obviously, all of your scores fall between this range except for one.  

    Processing speed does not account for overall intelligence.  It reflects how quickly you process information.  You need a second to "think on it" before your brain can act fully.  When reading or studying you will need a ten second break between important points, etc.   When asked a question, you probably feel as though someone is rushing you.  

    Again, it's NOT reflective of your intelligence!

  9. On the whole, your IQ is average.  (Full scale IQ 90 - 110.)  You have strength in verbal comprehension, you are average in perceptual reasoning and working memory, and you have a significant difficulty in processing speed.  So it would seem that you have more or less "normal" cognitive abilities, but it takes you longer than average to process information.  

    All in all, your scores would indicate that you have the ability to be fully functional and successful.  You may need a bit more time to process information, so you might want to talk to your employer (or teachers - you didn't give your age) and let them know that you are not ignoring their instructions but that you need a bit more time than average to understand what is being asked of you.  

    We all have areas of strength and need, and your testing has given you some significant information.  I am guessing from your user name that you are an Aspie, so you already know that sometimes you have a different interpretation than neurotypicals.  Not wrong, necessarily, but different.  So use the information you have gotten from testing to best enhance your particular situation.

  10. So you had a WISC-IV (Weschler intelligence test).  My son had one of these recently.  He is PDD.NOS/asperger's.  These tests were designed for NT's (neurotypicals) and since you are aspie, I would strongly suspect that these scores are depressed from your actual scores.  I do think that your PSI is low, but is it really lower that 99.6% of everybody?  I seriously doubt it.  As for your other average scores I would say that they are all in the above average range.  

    Since your verbal comprehension is your highest score this is your strength.  This is near the upper limits of average which is 90-110.  You excel at languages, which is expected for an aspie.  Perceptual reasoning is your ability to solve problems that aren't taught.  The working memory is your ability for rote skills (memorization).  This is also solid.  All 3 of these scores are in the average range.  

    Your processing speed index score of 56 indicates that there is a problem in this area.  This is STM (short-term memory).  This is symbol searching and coding.  Temple Grandin has written that many on the spectrum have difficulty with this.  Yet LTM (long term memory) is above average.  It could also be NVLD (non-verbal learning disability), difficulty copying off the board, maybe even labeled dysgraphic,  this is commonly seen in aspie's or CAPD (central auditory processing disorder.  This is also something that Temple Grandin has, it is the difficulty distinguishing between foreground and background noise.  So you would find it hard to read while people are talking, that kind of thing.

    The full scale is supposed to be the average of the VCI-PRI which would be 104+/-6 so it is 98-110, considering you are aspie, most in the field (psychologists) automatically add 10 to that number, putting you at 108-120.  Many in the world of autism believe you add much more than that to get a true score.  I have been told 30 points by 2 psychologists.

    Supposedly the Raven's Progressive Matrices assessment scores autistic spectrum individuals much higher.  I have read journal studies that report that 80% of autistic spectrum individuals score in the mentally retarded range on the Weschler, yet on the Ravens only 20% (none in the moderate range) and the average score difference was more than 1 standard deviation (15 points)

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