
What do these Stock Market Terms mean?

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What do these words mean. I've been looking through Market Watch and i've taken an example

per share data

Earnings (TTM):

Current P/E Ratio:

Cash Flow:

Annual Dividend:

Book Value:


Return on Equity (TTM):

Return on assets (TTM):

Return on Investment (TTM):

Price/Earnings (TTM):

Price/Book (TTM):

Price/Cash Flow (TTM):

Market cap:

Gross Margin (TTM):

Operating Margin (TTM):

Profit Margin (TTM):




  1. That's a lot of terms, and unfortunately knowing how they calculate these numbers doesn't help you a lot. You really need to study the way these are used to get their meaning.

    First off, the (TTM) which you see so often stands for "Trailing Twelve Months", so basically over the last year period.

    Earnings= Net Income

    Current P/E Ratio = Stock Price/Earnings

    Cash Flow= Self explanatory, change in the company's cash

    Annual Dividend: How much you'd get a year in dividends per share

    EBITDA = Earnings before Interest, Tax, Depreciation, Amortization

    Return on Equity= Net Income/Shareholder Equity

    Return on Assets = Net Income/Total Assets

    Return on Investment = Depends on context, not sure I'd have to look

    Price/Earnings = Exactly that, the Stock Price/Net Income

    Market cap= Share Price x # of Shares

    Gross Margin= COGS / Revenues

    Operating Margin = Operating Income/ Revenues

    Profit Margin = Net Inceome/ Revenues

  2. the first person did some really good research and time. but you can also check out and get a lot of good information,, short and sweet.  

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