
What do these anthropology terms and concepts mean?

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3. Armchair anthropology. 5. aumaga, 9. Code-switching, 12. Culture, 22. Encounter, 32. Fa’afafine, 34. Fieldwork and ethics, 38. Gullah, 63. Nature vs. culture, 69. Representation, 72. Salvage Ethnography




  1. 3. An armchair anthropologist is one who does his work out of an office.  They do not go into the field and get in the dirt, or live with the people. Instead they criticize and speculate on the work of anthropologists who get dirty.

    9. I think it refers to when coding data to analyze it quantitatively.  like if you did a questionnaire, females would be coded as "0", males as "1".  you would similarly code all answers with a number. This allows you to use statistics to evaluate the data...

    34. refers to having a sense of morality with you when you work in the field. You actively try not to do things that may bring harm to the people you are working with/around. If you're doing CRM (archaeology) you don't take bribes to cover up archaeological sites so that work may progress faster; you don't treasure hunt.

    72. This is applied anthropology research on a culture/group that is threatened to no longer exist. With urbanization many small communities of a distinct cultural group lose their children who go to work in cities, etc. The traditional beliefs and other non-tangible aspects of a culture which are passed down orally through the generations will disappear because no one will be there to learn them and pass them on...eventually the culture becomes a thing of hte past.  salvage ethnography is a last ditch effort of learning about that culture from people who live it, while they still have the opportunity.

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