
What do these dreams mean? Could it happen?help from any psychic?

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My first "dream" did not seem like a dream, it seemed real. I was talking to some one and I didn't know who but his name was Edward and another one was James (I fell asleep reading Twilight and imagining what it would be like falling in deep love with a vampire like Edward, then I was praying that I would fall in love with some one like that.) well I was half asleep and changing into fancy clothes and then I kind of woke up like what the heck am I doing then I heard the door slam downstairs. (It was like 3 in the morning) and I went back to bed. Then I was having the same "dream" and I was screaming I LOVE YOU EDWARD then I LOVE YOU JAMES. Ok the Edward part was because I love him so much but James??

The second dream was about James and this was like beautiful. I was outside in my woods and this boy my age (14) came up to me, he was unbelievably hansom and we walked for a little bit talking. It got dark quickly and I couldn't see a thing, he took my hand and led my way home. Then the next day my family decided to go camping out in the woods and when we were all set up. I went exploring and I found James again. We walked to the park together and we were there for hours. The whole time we were holding hands and at the end he kissed me. My heart jolted and I woke up. It was so real...

Anyway, What I am asking: Could that happen? I have seen many things in the future and they end up happening, like that bridge that fell like last year. i saw that 2 days before it happened and I thought it was "just a dream". The second thing I am asking: Why does it seem like someone was in my room when I was screaming I love you and why is it the same person?

I know there is a lot but whoever can tell me what is gonna happen I would appreciate it.




  1.   You may have pysic powers. You should anyalize the dream about the bridge and the dreams that you wrote about. It could be the beginning of a romantic relationship.

        The dream about Edward was most likely an after effect of reading Twilight.  

  2. uh...yeah it was just a dream. and most of your feelings are all in your head.

  3. James Edwards is a historical figure. you may be seeing a future that may happen, or one you really want, but the names are wrong.

  4. You are being taught that there are two kinds of love for you, and you will have to make choice about which kind of love is best.  

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