
What do these dreams mean and are they a sign?

by  |  earlier

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my friend is having dreams they are like kissing a guy she doesnt, like joining a baseball team that we dont even have and physical test (p.e.) that make no sense.

can u help?




  1. DAJAHVOO(i hoped i spelled it right)

    All these things are either going to happen or she has been exposed to something that comes back in her thoughts. For example, she probably watched a love movie or saw an ad for yankees stadum.

  2. It is spelled deja vu (french word), and I don't think that is it at all.

    Sexual contact with someone just means that we admire that person and want to be more like them somehow.  So even though she doesn't like this guy like that, there must be something about him that she admires or wishes she could resemble - like maybe he is very thoughtful or very athletic or very popular.

    Most of these things have an athletic component to them, so I am guessing that she wishes she were more athletic and feels that she is falling short - tests are ways that we measure ourselves, and by dreaming the worst, we are preparing our brains for that, so that if it happens for real, we are not crushed.

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