
What do these dreams of heights mean?

by Guest21141  |  earlier

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I don't have a fear of heights however often I will have dreams of drifting very high in the air and being scared because I have no control over being so high. Or I will have dreams of driving a car and it falling backwards off of a very high ledge. Anytime I have these dreams of being high in the air and drifting or falling backwards, I always wake up very frightened and uncomfortable. I don't want to say these dreams are reoccurring but I do have dreams like this at least 8-10 times per month. What could these dreams mean? Thanks!




  1. I've always been told that it's because you went to sleep too quickly.

    As we all know there are 4 stages of sleep and REM sleep. When your body doesn't have the time to relax before going to sleep you go through these 4 stages very rapidly.

    So the best way to fix this is to slowly (best way I can describe it) go to sleep. Let your muscles relax!

    Or you could always just face your "dream fear" and let your body take the impact of a fall. Like when you were falling backwards off of a very high ledge. Let it hit whatever is at the bottom. If done correctly the dream should end, but you'd still be in the dream state (if that makes sense).

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