
What do these have in common- religious group, government, cult, mafia?

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Atheist is a single indiviual who do not believe in God. Everything listed above are organized groups.




  1. Roman Catholicism?

  2. They're all crooks.

  3. Each and every one of them is greedy and does not really care about the individual, only the survival of itself. Attempting to leave any of them might also result in death, or the threat of death or damnation.  

  4. You missed ATHEISTS and Agnostics.So are you saying every religious group is connected to the THAT is funny.

  5. dont care about individuals they're just walking money to them

  6. yep, seems to me you left out some groups of people like Atheists, etc......

  7.   All are without the truth of God..

  8. They're all nutters?  

  9. Members of these groups tend to be registered voters and represent power blocs where it counts....the polls.

  10. They all want power and will stop at nothing to get it.

  11. Golly gee, that's a tough one...none of them validate parking?

  12. They tend to use fear to control people.

  13. Social control & economic growth

    More Peace

  14. they are part of society

  15. They all suck!


  16. They all want their own way.

  17. nothing....politicians who do believe will win

    cults are so weird...they deny the Trinity

    mafia is crime related.....this isnt quizzes here....its relig...

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