
What do these lines mean?

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Clock strikes 1, patience pulls you out of your daydream

red marks your desires

Clock strikes 2, the walls of your imagination sink

love stings your mind

Clock strkes 3, reasons are to blame

the moon mocks your emotions

The Clock freezes, you watch your life through the eyes of your shy soul, you wait.




  1. I assume you wrote the lines.  Don't you know what you mean?

  2. Of course, a poem is open to individual interpretation, but here is my take on it:

    A love struck woman/man had a midnight rendezvous with their paramour, but the lover does not show at the appointed hour. She waits patiently, fantasizing, daydreaming of what will happen when they meet.  Red is the color of passion, lust, and carnal desire.

    The clock strikes 1, pulling her from her imaginings.  He still hasn't shown up, but she continues to wait patiently. It's not too late, after all, and that sweet embrace is worth the wait.

    The clock strikes 2.  Her heart begins to sink. Her desires may not come to fruition after all. But she wants him to show up so badly!  She loves him so! She begins to anticipate some heartbreak, perhaps. This love business has the potential to hurt.

    The clock strikes 3.  Surely there is a reason for his not showing up.  She questions herself.  Did she offend him somehow?  Is there someone else?  Was he only toying with her and never meant to come in the first place? The moon showed up on time.  It goes about it's business, unconcerned with her and her feelings.  She can see it, bright and beautiful regardless of her human frailties.

    The clock freezes.  She is no longer aware of the passing time.  Should she call him? Go look for him? No. She is too shy. So she waits.  What else is there to do? She becomes detached, as though she is watching a movie.  Not part of the action, only a spectator.

    Or something like that.

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