
What do these lyrics mean?!?

by  |  earlier

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"X's on the back of your hands,

Wash them in the bathroom to drink like the bands."




  1. It's in reference to underage drinking.  Clubs mark the hands of minors who are too young to drink at all age clubs, concerts where they serve alcohol, places like that to indicate to the bartenders that they are too young to order a drink.  Obviously they can wash their hands so this method isn't incredibly effective, so most places now that I have been to will give those over 21 wristbands to wear or mark their hands with xs since they are the ones who want to drink they will be careful to keep the mark on their hands to indicate that they are over 21 so they can drink.  Lose the X you lose your ability to drink.

  2. anytime you go to a show, concert or punk show anyone underage get's an X on their hand with a perm marker...but now a days they give anyone who's 21 or older a brighty colored wrist band like at an amusement park.

  3. an x on your hand in the club means you can't drink.  you go into the bathroom to wash them off so you can drink.

  4. When you go to shows (concerts), the person at the door usually puts an x on your hand if you're under 21 so you can't buy alcohol.

  5. LOL - not laughin at u! I've done this...

    X's are usually put on the back of minors hands when the go to a bar so the bartender will know not to serve them!

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