
What do these names make you think of? ?

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Lily Madeleine

Ramona Alice

Lucy Matilda

Ruby Grace

Lola Paige


Jack Benjamin

Oliver Bennett

Daniel Wyatt

Luke William

Charlie Samuel

Opinions welcome!




  1. Lily Madeleine -Movie

    Ramona Alice -Noodles

    Lucy Matilda -my friend from the UK

    Ruby Grace - an old lady that just got a parking ticket

    Lola Paige - That chick from Degrassi

    Jack Benjamin - A little boy dressed as a pumpkin

    Oliver Bennett - an orphan

    Daniel Wyatt - A rich kid

    Luke William - My friend from years ago

    Charlie Samuel - a Boy that works with his father on a train

    lol I know there weird but thats what came to my mind x]

  2. I love the name Lily Madeleine, it's cute and feminine without being over the top, it makes me think of a sophisticated and classy young girl or woman.

    Ramona Alice: Ramona is a little old-fashioned for my taste, it doesn't have a classic feel to it, so I'm not sure I like the combination, it makes me think of an older woman.

    Lucy Matilda: I have a dog names Lucy so that makes me biased. lol Sorry, don't care for the combo, Matilda makes me think of the movie right away.

    Ruby Grace: Grace is elegant, and a great middle name, Ruby makes me think of the gem stone, and an older woman as well (not entirely sure why)

    Lola Paige: Lola makes me think of a dramatic girl that tries to hard to fit in. Sorry, just does.

    Jack Benjamin: A cute and masculine name, makes me think of a successful student and adult.

    Oliver Benett: It's cute, makes me think of a well-rounded and cultured kiddo.

    Daniel Wyatt: I like Daniel and Wyatt, its an okay combination, I think Daniel's one of those names that hasn't dated nicely in my opinion.

    Luke William: It makes me think of a very old-fashioned type gentleman, someone from back in the 18th century, not sure why, just too classic names that are pretty old.

    Charlie Samuel: When I think Charlie I only think of little boys, I can't picture an adult, sorry. Samuel is cute as a middle name, though.  

  3. Daniel Wyatt stood out to me. I just love the name Wyatt.

    They are really classic, I love it. I really enjoy these kinds of names. I like most of them.

    Great choices.

  4. I actually like a majority of them! They are very classic, strong names. Are these names you are considering? You have a few tough ones to choose from! :-)

  5. Lily Madeleine - Southern Belle

    Ramona Alice - Gymnast

    Lucy Matilda - Hyper, bubbly

    Ruby Grace - Intelligence

    Lola Paige - Moviestar


    Jack Benjamin - Detective

    Oliver Bennett - Actor

    Daniel Wyatt - Businessman

    Luke William - Mr. Right

    Charlie Samuel - Intelligence

    I just wrote down the first thing that came to mind, sorry if it's a little weird.

  6. Lily Madeleine--Lily is an annoying name to me. Just becuase of people i know i guess.

    Ramona Alice--Ramona reminds me of those childrens books. And Alice reminds me of the Brady bunch.

    Lucy Matilda--Like most of these, it sounds like something out of a storybook.

    Ruby Grace--Ruby is kind of like a stripper name to me. Grace is nice.

    Lola Paige--Lola, again stripper name. Paige is okay.


    Jack Benjamin-- I like this one.

    Oliver Bennett-- I love love love this name. Oliver and Bennet are two of my favorite names.

    Daniel Wyatt-- Daniel is nice, that's my brother's name. Wyatt sounds kind of trendy to me. But I guess that's okay since it's a middle name.

    Luke William-- I like this one. Would prefer it as Lucas though.

    Charlie Samuel-- Again this one is fine if you make it Charles. Remember the child will grow up....

  7. Lily Madeline: pretty girl

    Ramona Alice; Hispanic girl

    Lucy Matilda: old lady

    Ruby Grace: someone born in July

    Lola Paige: old lady

    Jack Benjamin: sounds like a drink

    Oliver Bennett; future g*y kid

    Daniel Wyatt: the kid on the playground who gets teased

    Luke William: cute

    Charlie Samuel: I love it because I have a friend named Charlie.

  8. Out of the girls the only one I like is Lily Madeleine. I actually like all the boys, like Luke William the best.

  9. They all make me think of cute little story book characters.

    I like Olivier Bennett and Ramona Lucy.

  10. This is a great list!


    Lily Madeleine: Sounds very feminine and sweet. I imagine her as a quiet  child with an old soul (not serious, just very laid-back and aware)

    Ramona Alice: Great name, but she sounds like she could be a bit of a wild child.

    Lucy Matilda: This name is my favorite! It has such spunk and energy, but  has a classic ring to it.

    Ruby Grace: Ruby is very artsy and cool. She sounds unconventional, but in a good way.

    Lola Paige: This is my least favorite of all your girls names. It seems very ordinary. Lola is becoming very common.


    Jack Benjamin: Very strong, and loyal.

    Oliver Bennett: He sounds like a dreamer. I like this one a lot.

    Daniel Wyatt: He sounds like a rebel! Hehe Danny Wyatt sounds like such a heartbreaker.

    Luke William: He sounds strong and hardworking, but maybe a bit distant.

    Charlie Samuel: Very cute for a little boy. He sounds like an all-american kid.

    My favorites are Lucy and Oliver.

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