
What do these symptoms my boyfriend is experiencing mean?

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He is a big, athletic 29 year old man who is lives a very active lifestyle (cycling, hiking, gym, etc). He is 6'-2", weighing around 230 lbs. Mostly muscle. He hasnt eaten meat for a year or so now. Instead, has been eating healthy and organic foods only. Symptoms he has been experiencing are: constantly VERY sweaty, light-headed, fatique, and benign cysts on his arms, sides, and legs. What could this mean?




  1. he might need some meat or something with protein or something if it countinues go to a doctor.

  2. Maybe he is working out too much and not giving time for recovery.

  3. Yeah he needs meat.He is lacking in protein and creatine(which is naturally found in meat)

  4. needs to eat meat, he's not getting all the protein he needs

  5. Vegetarians the world over are healthy without eating meat, so that's silly, the others who answer that he should eat meat are uninformed about where protein comes from.    There are plenty of plant proteins, and it's been known for many years that a combination of rice and beans provide protein.

    My brother is a vegetarian, I'm not, and my parents tried to have me talk him into eating meat, and I said that many people live long and healthy lives without meat; leave him alone.

    I personally enjoy beef, chicken, pork, and all of the meats, and don't plan to give it up.

    His symptoms have nothing whatsoever to do with being vegetarian, and he needs to go to a doctor to have them evaluated.

  6. Not really sure but maybe check with his doctor, and for all who said eat meat for protein, you can get protein from beans fruit and other healthy things besides meat. Thats what wrong with the world today is ever body eats too much meat. Just look around at all the obese people.

  7. hes trying to be too healthy...i have heard studies show that eating junk food and meat and stuff thats not supposed to be healthy IS actually healthy every now and then

  8. we are humans, we need a little meat

  9. Well he needs to eat meat. he's not getting any protine..

    Talk to a doctor to be safe.

    Good luck!

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