
What do they aske you at this interview???

by  |  earlier

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ok i thinking about getting this job as a busser,waitress or as a host. so i need some heads up on what they normally ask at a interview?? thanks!




  1. Depending on how old you are they may ask what if any other jobs have you had, what is your availability, do you have 3 references, etc. First impressions mean alot so go dressed nicely and conservatively. No jeans, low cut or T-shirts, or ragged shoes/sneakers/flipflops. Shake hands and introduce yourself when you meet the person doing the interview and speak clearly and make eye contact. Especially if you want a host position the employer will want to be assured that you can interact politely with their clientel.

    Oh, and just as important be at least 5-10 minutes early for the interview and bring a pen and proper id for the application process. This will give the employer the strong idea that you came prepared and are serious about getting a job.

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