
What do they call a condom in Australia

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What do they call a condom in Australia




  1. Elizabeth hits the nail on the head yet again! We always used to call them 'frangers' or 'french letters' or 'frenchys' if we were being genteel, but now condom seems to be pretty well universal and you never hear the other terms.

  2. franger, pronounced "freng-ah" if you're an american anyway... that's how we say it according to ur spelling.  

  3. A Rubber

    A Sock

    French letter  

    A rain coat

    Condom is the normal and most used.

    Australians do not say Durex. If you ask for Durex here you will get a roll of cellotape [sticky tape]  

  4. A condom

  5. Here in Australia, slang for a condom used to be a franger, I don't know if they're still called that.

    There have been many slang terms, for a condom, over the years but that's about the only one I can think of right now.

  6. They call it a rubberdoo.

  7. Pretty much just a condom

    Or a rubber.

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