
What do they do after the seal is clubbed?

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What do they acutually use seals for? Aside from clothing, what products involved the use of seal? I know that they are rarely using these creatures for meat because of the extremely high levels of DDT and Mercury.




  1. Skin em and make warm and attractive coats.

  2. The reason they kill them is because they eat `our`fish

    even though the seal were there first,and we get much more with the drag nets than any animal specie does.

    Somewhere along the line God must have said that everything on the Planet is for Humans exclusively.And that humans are in charge of all animal populations

    Guess the animals did not get to vote at that meeting.

    after wards the clubbers get drunk

    And the meat that is not left to rot may go into animal food .

    The skins are still valuable in some places

    But in the Netherlands people will accost you if you wear something like that in public ,so it has become worth less over there.

  3. They make fur coats and eat them.

    The seal population is stable and sustainable.  If is allowed to grow and nature itself was the sole regulator of their population they would hit a point where they would fill their habitat and run low on food.  This would cause just as many seals to die, only they would die from disease and starvation (which is, of course natural) instead of dying quickly via clubbing.

  4. Some of the Inuit( Eskimo) people still eat seal meat. It is also used in animal food. I once had a sealskin coat( I inherited it). They are quite nice. It's a shame seals have to die, but polar bears and orca kill them too. I doubt anyone would get them to stop.

  5. the meat is eaten the Inuit consider the eye balls a delicacy(honestly)DDT is not an issue as it has been banned for over 30 years and neither is mercury an issue,the skins make prized furs for coats and other garments,the seal meat is eaten by people or for the dogs in the communities the hunters live in

  6. We are primarily after the fur, but the meat can be used for pet food.

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