
What do they do at a 13 year old girls physical

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like to they draw blood? I'm done with shots untill I'm 21 so don't say that...




  1. Well you should answers some questions about periods and all health issues. Then you will be asked to strip naked and cover with a paper gown. They will come back in and wiegh you. Then they will do eyes ears mouth and all. Then they will open the top of your gown and give you a breast exam but pushing slightly on each breast. Then they will feel your tummy. Listen to heart. Then they will ask you to lay back and put your feet in stirrups. Then they will look inside. If you don't have your period this is where it ends, but if you do, they will check your ovaries by putting a finger inside and pressing your tummy. They might do a PAP as well but not always.

  2. Well, for drawing blood it depends on the doctor.  I never had blood drawn for a physical my entire life, but when I went in April we had a new doctor and all of his patients get blood drawn every year, just to test.

  3. well just the baqsic stuff really

  4. If I think back hard enough! No blood tests, just a general physical, sight, hearing, blood presure listen to the chest etc, check on shots etc. at our school a lady doctor for the girls and a male doctor for the boys. nothing to worry about.

  5. no they don't draw blood, they do the same thing they have been doing unless you are sexually active, then they will do a pap.

    what makes you think you are through with shots? I wasn't through with shots until I was 16 and it doesn't look like my kids will be through with theirs until around the same time

  6. My doctor made me do the draw blood when I'm tweleve or thirteen? Because they want to find out my vitamin levels, and calicum level.

    and they gave me a lot of shots such for STD's, I have about all together 6 shots.  

  7. No blood, at least not any physicals I have had. They will probably have you pee in a cup, and the doctor will look at you.

  8. blood pressure



    ur heart

    ur back

    they'll probably ask u questions on your period and sexual activity (if u have one) lol

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