
What do they do at a guys physical

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im a guy and i was wondering what they do or even at a doctors appointment... but mostly a phyical .. i havent been to one in a while and dont remember




  1. Depending on the doctor, you may have a very, very thorough examination of your body, or may just have you go down to underwear or even just no shirt. Some doctors make you start naked from the very beginning which is really annoying because you have a much greater chance of getting an erection if that bothers you, than if he just had you drop your underwear for the hernia test where he feels your testicles.  

  2. they check height/weight/bloodpressure, heart, abdomen, lungs, and they make you drop your underwear and check your p***s and testicals and do a hernia test.

  3. Well, be prepared to cough and then there is the point where the doc pulls out the KY that's a real winner

  4. height/weight

    blood pressure



    ear/nasal canals

    swab your throat for infection  (sometimes, not always)

    the doctor will ask you to bend down without your shirt on to check for scoliosis

    you will have to remove your underwear, the doctor will check your p***s and testicles to make sure everything is ok, the doctor will also check your abdomen for bumps and do a hernia test

    he/she will give you the chance to discuss problems or concerns

  5. You don't have to worry about the prostate exam until you are 40 unless you have risk factors.

  6. If you ever had a complete physical you would remember it.

  7. They pretty much check your eyes, throat, reflexes,  abdomen, hight and weight, blood work, blood pressure, lungs, heart, and they check.....down there.....good luck.

  8. They check your ears, teeth, back, and they press some parts on your stomach.

    Nothing much really.

  9. They check breathing, ears, nose, throat, they hit your knees sometimes for your reflex. They check the testicles for cancer by holding them and making a guy cough....thats the most uncomfortable part haha.  

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