
What do they do at the first appointment?

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I am going to my first appointment on Monday with my delivering ob's nurse. I will be 9 weeks and 5 days pregnant.

what do they do then ?




  1. I had my first appt on Tues, they took my blood, sent off a urine sample, checked my blood pressure, weight, took a medical history and family history, explained more about the preg, asked where i would like to have the baby. gave me a book and loads of leaflets.  

  2. With my 1st 2 pregnancies on my first OB visit, I got a pap smear done and also ultrasound. But now with my 3rd pregnancy I'm going to a different OB and she just did a pelvic exam and ultrasound for me. So I think it depends on your doctor. And then my OB set up an appointment for me on Monday to get paperwork and labwork done.  

  3. they will check your urine , blood pressure , weight, and probably o ultrasound to check baby. give you pre natals  

  4. they get your urine sample, blood pressure and weight. Then they take to the examine room and have you do an trans vaginal ultrasound to determine the due date and hear the heartbeat. Also they will order blood work in which you have to go in the lab to do it and they will talk the results on your next appointment. Congratulations! .. and have a happy and healthy pregnancy!  

  5. My first visit..they weighed me, got a urine sample, calculated my due date

  6. I think they just determine you due date and make sure nothing is obviously wrong.  And set up your next appointment.

  7. They check ur weight, blood pressure, and urine! I had an ultrasound on my first visit but most women don't! Good luck! Its so exciting!

  8. History and Physical

    Blood work

    U/S for fetal size

    Urine test

    Pap smear


    Blood pressure

  9. My first appointment they took urine and did a pap smear. No biggy :]

  10. All they basically do is take your basic stats,(blood pressure, weight,etc.); get info on his & your family history; may take blood for info of that. Nothing to worry about.Good luck!  

  11. they ask you about your health, your partners health and any diseases and conditions on both sides of the family. they'll do a blood test, have you give a urine sample and do a pap.  

  12. More than likely.. well what i had done at my first appt... they will do a pap smear, blood samples, urine test, etc. Just as if you were coming for a regular check-up. However, you might get lucky and get to catch a glimpse of your sweet one inside through an ultrasound. GOD BLESS

  13. They will give you a pelvic and pap exam if you need one, they will go over any medical history you have had, or not had. They may set you up for a sonogram if you are unshure how far along you are, and they will send you for blood work or else do it there in the office. They will also have you pee in a cup this visit and every visit to check for protein and several other things in your urine.


    i have 3 kids

  14. blood pressure, weight, vaginal ultrasound, urine test, fill out paperwork

    and that's about it.

    good luck

  15. urine test, and blood work

  16. Alot of times they will check urine, pap smear and ask alot of questions about family history, so they have a better understanding on what to look for.

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