
What do they do in a male physical?

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What do they do in a male physical?




  1. hi there, well they give you the standard blood pressure,heart rate,lung capacity checks.They'll check your ears,and throat.They'll check for hernias,limb mobility,and reflexes and check round you genital area for lumps etc etc

    if i can be of any more help please email

  2. they feel ur balls, and then ask u to turn and cough as they feel for like a hernia thingy, it really sucks the first time cuz u have no idea whats gonna happen, and it feels awkward

  3. the dr. will check your heart, blood pressure,reflexes,look in your throat and ears, check your lungs and if your old enough, he will stick his finger up your butt and check your prostate, also he will check your balls.

  4.   well they give you the standard blood pressure,heart rate,lung capacity checks.They'll check your ears,and throat.They'll check for hernias,limb mobility,and reflexes and that's about it.

  5. well for my school they check ur heart and blood pressure and things like that. then the doctor will check ur p***s and then he holds ur balls an u gotta cough a few times. thats 4 hernia. usualy they dont check ur butt but i made my varsity baseball team an that was the first time i ever had tat done but i wuldnt worry. it probably wont happen if this is ur first time. its all a little awkward but dont stress. its pretty fast. and even if u get a bone dont worry. the doctor seen it all

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