
What do they expect for JV volleyball?

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I am trying out for JV volleyball in a few weeks, and I was wondering what the skill level expectation is at JV level. I am a decent bumper, and rarely ever have the ball go in the complete wrond direction. My serves are okay, I can't really aim them but get the ball over the net consistently. I haven't really worked on spiking, and my setting/overhead passing is pretty good.




  1. They expect you to have the basics of volleyball down.  They want you to know he rules and they expect for you to use JV to get ready for the varsity level.

  2. They expect:

    Passing skills

    Overhand passing (setting) skills

    Knowledge of the game

    Decent Spiking skills

    A good attitude

    Team Spirit

    Be able to serve too, underhand or overhand

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