
What do they hope to discover with the LHC?

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What do they hope to discover with the LHC?




  1. A deeper understanding of the organization and nature of matter at a sub-atomic level.

    Specifically, the LHC is expected/hoped to confirm, or otherwise inform, the existence of the theoretical but never observed Higgs Boson.  This mysterious particle is believed to confer the propert of 'mass' - on matter.  A pretty important and defining feature of existence.

    All this said - if the LHC experiments go into unanticipated directions, a black hole or exotic form of matter might develop ending our existence as we currently know it.

    Keep studying science!

  2. They hope to discover "more".  The LHC project is mostly about pure science and research, not about "learning" something we already know!

  3. they want to look for new particles and find out new things about the universe.

    i'm reminded of isaac asimov's quote that most scintific advances do not start with "eureka!", but, rather "that's funny..."

    if they knew what they were going to find, there would be no point in spending the money or doing teh research.

  4. I'm about to drop some particle physics in the club...

    Good stuff.

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