
What do they judged volleyball tryouts on?

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I have freshman volleyball tryouts tomorrow and i would like to know what i should work on all day to help me with them. I have played volleyball for three years but i still cant overhand serve and i was wondering if this will effect anything.




  1. they will look at your passes, sets hits, blocks, overhand passes and serves. i hate to say this but every coach i have ever had mainly looks at serves, because if you can't serve you can't score points:( but my advice is try and be a libero because they dont have to serve

  2. they really look for overhand serves in highschool. im only in middle but some of my friends have played h.s . i have volleyball trryouts tommorow for 8th grade and they are expecting us to get our overhand serve over the net

  3. yeah. sorry. but if you cant serve overhand this probably will affect you.

    maybe today you should keep practicing.

    i have volleyball try outs tommorow too. =]

    the things i have noticed that they will judge are..

    your skills


    and your attitude.

    as long as you try your best then you should still deffinitly have a chance!!

    good luck and i hope you make it!!! =]

  4. basically, they look for good overhand serves, good passing, great setting, and a hit that could kill. my mom is a coach

  5. they would probably look 4 good bumps setts spikes and i'll b in 8 gr. and we have to overhand serve, so u probably would have 2

  6. The coach (es) will look at you and your skills and decide where you could serve your team best? Are you an awesome hitter/blocker? Could you be a libero? Are your sets nice, high, and easy for your hitters to hit?

    They want to have a good balance for their team. Every person has a special place on the team depending on their strengths and weaknesses.

    If you can't overhand serve, it may affect you a little bit, but make up for it by shining in another skill area!

    Good luck!

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