
What do they mean about slope stability?

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How can it be ditected and how can it be controled?




  1. By doing things that make the slope more stable.

  2. Slope stability is the engineering of slopes whether they are natural or man made.

    The safe angle of a slope depends on several factors including Soil strength ( Angle of friction and / or cohesion), water table level, weight of soil, any surcharge loading and any planes of weakness i.e. dip and strike of soil layers. Faults and other geological features would also have an effect.

    The Factor of Safety used will depend on the requirement for the slope. A railway cutting would have a higher Factor of Safety than a Road cutting as it is more difficult to divert a train than a car.

    Boreholes are used to determine the soil type, strength, and water table level. Laboratory testing of samples will determine the strength.


    Angle of slope

    Rock anchors

    Soil nails

    Reduce surcharge

    Increase loading at base to increase slip circle path length.

  3. There is a natural angle of repose for various sands and soils and if it is exceeded the slope will be unstable.  Revetments are often used where the slopes must be interrupted (to build a road, etc.).

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