
What do they mean by ''what goes around,comes around''?

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What do they mean by ''what goes around,comes around''?




  1. If you treat people badly then other people will treat you badly. In other words you get what you deserve.

  2. It's a warning against taking undue advantage of someone else's weakness, or being pointlessly mean and cruel to someone, or spreading gossip, that kind of thing.  

    It means that as ye sow, so shall ye reap, because your turn to be weak and exposed to such actions from another person will surely come.

  3. If you approach life with evil in your heart, then that is all that you can recognise. Consequently, it always comes back to you because you can only expect expect others to be as evil as you.  

    The same applies to the kindhearted person.

    Both the good and the bad get what they expect.

  4. Its the flip response for maintaining a moral balance in life. Essentially ,what you put forth you eventually get back; a karmic t*t for tat, which can have positive or negative affect depending on the situation. Of course, there is the corollary; "Sh*t happens" which kinda refutes the whole idea.

  5. It all boils down to Karma... One deed repays another either way. Bad things happen to Good people all the time; But smart people learn from things and pass on the experience with advice. Others never learn or advise and can't figure out why life is SOOO UNFAIR! watch the movie "pay it forward"

  6. As in whatever you do comes back to you.  If you do something good then something good will happen to you.  If u do something bad, somethin bad will happen to you.  Based round the idea of Kharma

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