
What do they mena "right wing" and "leftys" in politics?

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What do they mena "right wing" and "leftys" in politics?




  1. Right Wing = Conservative

    Left Wing = Liberal

    This comes from the days of the Estates General during the French Revolution in 1789, where "left" and "right" refer to which side of the Speaker the liberals and conservatives sat.  Those who supported the monarchy sat on the right, and those who supported a new republic sat to the left.  This distinction is still maintained in several nations, as members of their parliaments (or in Congress for the U.S.) will sit left-to-right, by party, from liberal to conservative.  This is also the origin of the phrase "across the aisle", where members of one party that make an appeal to members of another are said to "reach across the aisle".  This is because of the actual aisle that separates the parties.  

    Please, no value judgements about what "right" or "left" means.  If you support or oppose gun control, whether you support or oppose government programs, just answer the question and don't try to grind your own politican axe.

  2. Right Wing,Conservative, stand for each person to win or lose on their own merits,every man for him or herself.Unfortunately this do not work .Right wing people think that if you work hard and educate yourself the world is your oyster.True to a certain point.What about the people who for what ever reason , be it financial,physical or any other impediment ,can't take advantage of these opportunities ? The right wing solution is to let them stand or fall.The gov should only help in the most desperate circumstances.

    Lefties is a derogatory term to cast people who believe in social inclusion as communists..

    The same as the word "Liberal" has come to mean to be someone who is pro abortion hates God and wants to see p**n everywhere..

    "Leftys" are people who do not want to see people left behind . They are for Pensions,Medicare and all the other policies that help people less fortunate than ourselves.

    "Leftys" do not believe that the free market can fix all the world ill's as right wingers do.Just a quick look around at the sub-prime fiasco gives you an idea of what i mean.

    Remember that Right winger are not Fascist and not all Leftys are commies

  3. Right wing.....Taking responsibility for yourself.

    Left wing......expecting the government to take care of you.

    It's really just about all there is to it.

  4. "Left" refers to the more liberal and radical side, while "Right" refers to more of a conservative side. It's all part of a political spectrum. I know this 'cause I have econ/u.s. gov this year, and we learned this several months ago.

  5. Right wing= keep your guns + and stick to your guns+ less government + lower tax

    Leftys= tree huggers + high tax + welfare + don't hurt the animals + more govt + want more gun control

    There is alot to it, (lefty's) liberals are radicals

    (right wing) republicans are more conservative. Just look at the candidates websites and compare differences.

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