
What do they sell on board on the Virgin Pendolino train???

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What do they sell on board on the Virgin Pendolino train???




  1. ask for bob he sells drugs on there he got a different variety

  2. T-shirts!

  3. They usually have an auction to sell the driver.

  4. They're famous for their Virgin Pendolinos, which taste so much better than the ordinary pendalinos, even those doused in melted butter and Begian chocolate.

    Virgin Pendolinos were invented by an international consortium of bankers, way back in the 1970's, as a means of making one's taste buds really wake up whilst eating on trains, where the standard fayre was old sandwiches with curled up ends.

    Don't make the mistake of eating a Virgin Pendolino without a glass of wine beside you. Although delicious you do need a drink almost immediately afterwards. Standard railway coffee just doesn't do the Virgin Pendolino justice.

    Please enjoy your Virgin Pendolinos, and remember that you can only bring 10 of them into the UK duty-free.

    Also a Virgin Pendolino will only last about one week unless you freeze them on day of purchase!

    Virgin Pendolinos are harvested by the Uckarwe tribe, a little known pygmy tribe from Central Africa who live in an area of very tall grassland. They get their strange name from their tribal chant as they dance and jump up and down singinging, "We're the Uckarwe, we're the  Uckarwe".

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